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Headquarters Fifth Air Force celebrates the Air Force’s 70th birthday

Col. Jean Eisenhut, 5th Air Force chief of Staff, unveils the dedication plaque for the “Wolfe Conference Room,” honoring Lt. Gen. Kenneth Wolfe, the first commander of 5th Air Force in the newly independent service, during 5th Air Force’s celebration of the 70th birthday of the U.S. Air Force, Sept. 18, 2017. (U.S. Air Force photo by Maj. George Tobias)

Col. Jean Eisenhut, 5th Air Force chief of Staff, unveils the dedication plaque for the “Wolfe Conference Room,” honoring Lt. Gen. Kenneth Wolfe, the first commander of 5th Air Force in the newly independent service, during 5th Air Force’s celebration of the 70th birthday of the U.S. Air Force, Sept. 18, 2017. (U.S. Air Force photo by Maj. George Tobias)

On display in the newly named “Wolfe Conference Room” is the dedication plaque for Lt. Gen. Kenneth Wolfe, the first commander of 5th Air Force in the newly independent service, and the birthday cake for the U.S. Air Force during 5th Air Force’s celebration of the 70th birthday of the Air Force, Sept. 18, 2017. The Staff or Headquarters 5 AF voted to name the commander’s conference room in honor of Wolfe out of three other notable members of 5 AF history recognizing his contributions to the command and the Air Force. (U.S. Air Force photo by Maj. George Tobias)

On display in the newly named “Wolfe Conference Room” is the dedication plaque for Lt. Gen. Kenneth Wolfe, the first commander of 5th Air Force in the newly independent service, and the birthday cake for the U.S. Air Force during 5th Air Force’s celebration of the 70th birthday of the Air Force, Sept. 18, 2017. The Staff or Headquarters 5 AF voted to name the commander’s conference room in honor of Wolfe out of three other notable members of 5 AF history recognizing his contributions to the command and the Air Force. (U.S. Air Force photo by Maj. George Tobias)

2nd Lt. Jayna Dodd, 5th Air Force Directorate of Intelligence, and Chief Master Sgt. Terrence Greene, 5 AF Command Chief Master Sergeant, prepare to cut the birthday cake celebrating the 70th anniversary of the U.S. Air Force, Sept. 18, 2017. Dodd and Greene represent the youngest and oldest members of 5 AF respectively. (U.S. Air Force photo by Maj. George Tobias)

2nd Lt. Jayna Dodd, 5th Air Force Directorate of Intelligence, and Chief Master Sgt. Terrence Greene, 5 AF Command Chief Master Sergeant, prepare to cut the birthday cake celebrating the 70th anniversary of the U.S. Air Force, Sept. 18, 2017. Dodd and Greene represent the youngest and oldest members of 5 AF respectively. (U.S. Air Force photo by Maj. George Tobias)

YOKOTA AIR BASE, Japan -- Headquarters 5th Air Force staff along with service members of all the other branches of the U.S. military celebrated the 70th anniversary of the inception of the U.S. Air Force in the newly named “Wolfe Conference Room” today.

The Air Force became an independent service on Sept. 18, 1947, when President Harry Truman signed the National Security Act, which gave the Air Force equal status to the U.S. Army and U.S. Navy.

This month also marks the 76th year of service for 5 AF, the USAF’s longest continuously serving and most decorated NAF, and this year also marks the 75th anniversary of the NAF being designated 5 AF.

Originally Formed Sept. 13, 1941 as the Philippine Department Air Force, the command was re-designated the Far East Air Force one month later, and in 1942 the command again was re-designated as the 5 AF.

In addition to the traditional cutting of the birthday cake, the Airmen of 5 AF marked the occasion by officially naming the commander’s conference room the “Wolfe Conference Room” in honor of Lt. Gen. Kenneth Wolfe, the first commander of 5th Air Force in the newly independent service.

Prior to World War II, Wolfe directed the development of the barrier-braking B-29 Superfortress, which surpassed the B-17 Flying Fortress and played a key role in the Allied victory of the war.

“[Wolfe] took command in early October 1945, about ten days after 5 AF had arrived on mainland Japan for the first time in its history,” said Dr. Gregory Mattson, 5 AF historian. “As commander he oversaw a fairly radical transformation of Fifth Air Force from a wartime combat air force to an occupation authority.”

During this transformation wings, groups, squadrons and other units were assigned to bases throughout Japan and one bomb wing to South Korea.

“Once ensconced on bases in Japan, planning airlift, reconnaissance, mapping, and other information-gathering activities replaced planning combat operations while the [Numbered Air Force] helped oversee and enforce the terms of surrender and the demobilization of the Japanese armed forces,” said Mattson.

Wolfe, who originally enlisted in the Army as a private first class in the Aviation Section of the Signal Reserve Corps in 1918, played an important role in recovery of Japan and laying the foundations of U.S.-Japan relations while at the same time his leadership and innovation ensured his Airmen were proficient in their specialties.

“This activity coincided with the outbreak of the Cold War, requiring 5th Air Force to maintain a constant state of combat readiness while overseeing the air echelon of the U.S. occupation of Japan,” said Mattson, citing 5th Air Force history books. “The 1948-1949 history indicates that 5 AF handled these challenges well: ‘Emphasis during the second year of the Occupation switched from readjustment and stabilization to what an air force does best and likes best to do, namely, flying. Throughout the second year there was general improvement in all functions.’”

Wolfe laid the foundations of what the command has become today and is a key part of the Fighting Fifth and Air Force’s heritage.

“I think it is notable that Gen. Wolfe was foundational to setting in place the organization of 5 AF and working with our Japanese counterparts early on in what I am sure was a difficult time period,” said Col. Jean Eisenhut, 5 AF chief of staff.
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