Brig Gen John Schutte is the Deputy Commander, Fifth Air Force, and Director, Joint Air Component Coordination Element-Japan, Yokota Air Base, Japan. Fifth Air Force conducts joint and bilateral planning and engagements to defend Japan and respond to regional contingencies. In addition, the Command coordinates joint and bilateral actions and exercises with United States (U.S.) Forces, Japan, U.S. Service components, the Japan Self-Defense Force, and other Japanese organizations to strengthen bilateral interoperability. Fifth Air Force exercises administrative authority over U.S. Air Force forces in Japan.
Brig Gen Schutte entered the Air Force in 1999 through the ROTC program, graduating from the University of Virginia. His previous assignments include operational and staff tours in Europe, the Pentagon, Pacific Air Forces, and U.S. Air Forces Central Command. He is a Senior Navigator with more than 1,600 hours in numerous variants of the C-130. He holds four graduate degrees and is currently a Ph.D. Candidate at Princeton University's School of Public and International Affairs.
Brig Gen Schutte has commanded at the Squadron and Wing level. He has served as the Vice Commander, 314th Airlift Wing, Little Rock Air Force Base, Arkansas, which trains C-130 aircrew members from across the Department of Defense and 47 partner nations. As the Commander, 19th Airlift Wing, Little Rock AFB, Arkansas, he was responsible for organizing, training, and equipping more than 3,500 personnel who operated, maintained, and sustained more than 65 C-130 aircraft, providing combat ready forces to meet combatant commanders' requirements globally. Additionally, as the Installation Commander, he ensured support for combat, contingency, and humanitarian requirements around the world while providing for the health and welfare of more than 9,000 personnel and their families. Prior to his current assignment, Brig Gen Schutte served the Deputy Chief of Staff, Headquarters United States European Command, Patch Barracks, Stuttgart, Germany. He directed the activities of subordinate elements under the Chief of Staff, managed day-to-day supervision of the staff, and provided counsel to the Commander, Deputy Commander, headquarters staff, and component commands for a 2,000-member warfighting headquarters.
1999 Bachelor of Arts in History, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
1999 Aerospace Basic Course, Maxwell AFB, AL
2004 Squadron Officer School, Maxwell AFB, AL
2004 Master of Arts in International Relations, Oklahoma University, OK
2006 Master of Arts in Organizational Management, George Washington University, D.C.
2007 Air Force Intern Program - IDE Credit
2008 Air Command and Staff College, by correspondence, Maxwell AFB, AL
2012 Master of Philosophy in Military Strategy, School of Advanced Air and Space Studies, Maxwell AFB, AL
2013 Air War College, by correspondence, Maxwell AFB, AL
2016 Master of Arts in Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
2017 Advanced Study Group PhD Program - SDE Credit
1. September 1999 - February 2000, Awaiting Joint Specialized Undergraduate Navigator Training (JSNUT), 116th Air Control Wing, Robins AFB, Ga.
2. February 2000 - November 2000, JSUNT, 562d Flying Training Squadron, Randolph AFB, Texas
3. November 2000 - July 2001, Student, 53d Airlift Squadron, Little Rock AFB, Ark.
4. July 2001 - July 2005, C-130E Instructor and Evaluator Navigator and Operations Group Executive Officer, 86th Operations Group, Ramstein AB, Germany
5. July 2005 - July 2007, Junior Military Assistant to the Deputy Secretary of Defense, then Action Officer in Skunkworks, A5XS, Air Force Intern, Pentagon, Washington D.C.
6. July 2007 - November 2008, Country Director, Middle East and Africa Division, International Affairs, Office of the Under Secretary of the Air Force, Pentagon, Washington, D.C.
7. November 2008 - July 2011, C-130H Instructor Navigator, Chief Navigator, Wing Executive Officer and then Director of Staff, 374th Airlift Wing, Yokota AB, Japan
8. July 2011 - July 2012, Student, School of Advanced Air and Space Studies, Maxwell AFB, Ala.
9. July 2012 - June 2013, Airpower Strategist, Chief of Staff of the Air Force's Strategic Studies Group, Pentagon, Washington, D.C.
10. June 2013 - June 2014, Commander, 386th Operations Support Squadron, Ali Al Salem AB
11. June 2014 - June 2017, Ph.D. Student and then Ph.D. Candidate, Princeton University, Princeton, N.J.
12. June 2017 - June 1019, Vice Commander, 314th Airlift Wing, Little Rock AFB, Ark.
13. June 2019 - June 2021, Commander, 19th Airlift Wing, Little Rock AFB, Ark.
14. June 2021 - August 2024, Deputy Chief of Staff, United Stated European Command, Germany
15. August 2024 - Present, Deputy Commander, Headquarters Fifth Air Force, Yokota AB, Japan
Rating: Senior Navigator
Flight Hours: More than 1,600
Aircraft Flown: C-130E/H
Legion of Merit with oak leaf cluster
Bronze Star
Meritorious Service Medal with two oak leaf clusters Air Medal
Joint Service Commendation Medal Air Force Commendation Medal
Air Force Combat Action Medal
Company Grade Officer of the Year, 86th Operations Group and 86th Airlift Wing
SAF/IA Team of the Year Award
Air Force Historical Association (AFHA) award for best SAASS history thesis of AY 2011-2012
Second Lieutenant July 11, 1999
First Lieutenant July 11, 2001
Captain July 11, 2003
Major June 1, 2009
Lieutenant Colonel November 1, 2012
Colonel May 1, 2017
Brigadier General Frocked
(Current as of November 2024)